Bollywood was shaken on Thursday morning when news broke that popular actor Saif Ali Khan had been stabbed by an intruder at his Mumbai residence. The incident occurred in the early hours in the upscale neighborhood where Khan lives with his wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their two children. While his family was unharmed, Khan sustained multiple injuries during a scuffle with the intruder.
Mumbai Police reported that an unidentified man entered the actor’s home sometime after midnight, leading to an argument that escalated into violence. Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. Doctors revealed that the actor suffered a severe injury to the thoracic spinal cord caused by a knife lodged in his spine. Additionally, two deep wounds on his left hand and one on his neck required surgical repair.
Dr. Nitin Dange, who performed the surgery, confirmed that Khan is out of danger and recovering under observation. His medical team repaired a leak in the spinal fluid and treated the other injuries. Khan’s team issued a statement thanking fans for their concern and assuring them that he is stable.
The incident is believed to be an attempted burglary, but police are investigating the exact circumstances. Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam stated that special teams have been formed to track down the assailant. Khan’s team has requested privacy, calling it a police matter and asking fans to remain patient as details unfold.
Saif Ali Khan, known for his remarkable career in Bollywood, has won hearts with films like Dil Chahta Hai, Kal Ho Naa Ho, and Tanhaji. He has also been praised for his powerful performances in critically acclaimed projects such as Omkara. Belonging to the royal family of Pataudi, Khan carries a legacy of both cinematic and sporting excellence, with his late father, Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, being a legendary Indian cricketer, and his mother, Sharmila Tagore, a veteran actress.
The attack has sparked widespread concern and support for the actor, with fans and colleagues expressing their shock and sending wishes for a speedy recovery. As police continue their investigation, the Bollywood fraternity and millions of admirers are relieved to hear that Khan is out of danger and on the path to recovery.